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Monday, April 4, 2011

Heyy people of the world! We know we haven't posted in a while, but we're hanging out tonight(Like always...) And decided to come on here!

So. Got some good news, some good news, some bad news, and some good news.

Good news#1: We're going to Montana! Yup, that's right. Montana here we come! Anyone jealous? Bet you are! (Just kididng) Allison has some family that own horses in Montana, and they are letting us go and visit!!

Good news #2: Allison is almost at $800 and has a horse in mind! The horse is really pretty, named Penny. We're hoping nobody buys her before Allison gets to, but if they do, then we'll have some bad news to post!

Bad news: SPRING BREAK IS OVER! Yeah, its finally over. Back to waking up early and going to school. And homework. Who could forget the homework.

Good news #3: Hannah is going to laese a horse! Yupp, we're going on the 16th to look, and getting it then. Of course, Allison is coming with. I can't go anywhere without my sister!

Bad news(Well, funny bad news)#2: Hannah's cat just scared the living daylights out of her mom! That was literally about two seconds ago. ROFL!

<3 Hannah and Allison <3


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